Services We Provide


CT Scan

Computerized Tomography or CT Scan is an image-based diagnosing device that uses X-ray techniques to create detailed images of the various parts of the body. At AVA Diagnostic Centre we comprise a multi-slice CT scan machine that allows taking 3D imaging of your body with higher quality images for accurate diagnosis. Brain, Thorax, and Abdomen are some of the organs that are diagnosed using CT scans.



Ultrasound is an imaging test that uses high-frequency sound waves to create high-quality images of the internal tissues and blood vessels of the body. Ultrasound does not require any incisions or use of radiation therefore has no side effects on the body. Ultrasounds are mostly used for accurate monitoring of the pregnancy that helps to minute details of the fetus and its nearby organs.


Digital X-Ray

Digital X-ray uses specialized electromagnetic radiation to create real-time images of the internal structure and bones. This is a non-invasive procedure that helps to diagnose a wide range of medical conditions such as bone fractures, arthritis, lung cancer, pneumonia, infections and many more. Unlike traditional X-rays, Digital X-rays offer higher-quality images with the convenience of storing and sharing the images digitally.



This is a branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing a wide range of health-related diseases by examining the body's fluids and tissues. The department of pathology is classified into two groups, Anatomical which focuses on examining body tissues and Clinical which focuses on examining body fluids. The department of pathology may conduct a wide range of tests which include biopsy, histopathology, cytology, blood tests, urine analysis and many more.



ECO and ECHO are both non-invasive procedures that are used to diagnose and promote treatment for a wide range of diseases related to the heart and cardiovascular system. An Electrocardiography or ECG is a medical test that allows analyzing the electrical activity of the heart using a graph. Echocardiography or ECHO is an imaging test that produces detailed images of the heart which helps to diagnose numerous diseases cardiac diseases.


Fibro Scan

Fibro Scan is a non-invasive test that is conducted to evaluate the health condition of the liver. It is a type of ultrasound that helps to determine various kinds of liver diseases such as liver scarring, fibrosis, fatty liver, acute liver failure and many more. Fibro scan is a safe and effective mode of test when it comes to treating diseases related to the liver.